About Us

Tamsyn Mason Interior Design Studio creates beautiful and elegant interiors that respect the architecture of the space and reflect the owner’s individual style. With a focus on architectural detail, Tamsyn works with space and light to design layouts and rooms that flow and enhance the client’s lifestyle. This gives a base on which to build layers of depth and interest through colour and texture. Tamsyn sources bespoke furniture, fabrics, lighting and antiques for specific spaces so that every project is truly individual.

Tamsyn established her design studio in 2006. She trained at the KLC School of Design in Chelsea, following a previous career in corporate strategy at De Beers which took her around the world including a three-year posting to South Africa. This love of travel and an interest in antiques and textiles informs many of her designs. With a keen eye for detail, Tamsyn ensures all decisions are considered and deliberate – from skirting boards and plaster moldings for cornices, to lighting schemes and room layout.

"Being involved early on in a project is key to ensuring that essential elements of an interior space are incorporated and carefully considered – the flow between rooms, the best use of a space and its layout, the lighting and interior architectural details, such as window and door style, all create the most important foundation for any successful finished design".

How would you describe your style?

"My role is to understand my client’s individual style and preferences, work with their vision and design an interior which reflects the best version of this – to ensure they don’t just like every aspect of the finished project, but that they absolutely love it".

Please describe a recently completed project or tell us about the bespoke service that you offer

"A typical project brief for us was the complete renovation and contemporary extension of a Georgian Rectory on the outskirts of a Hampshire village. With the intention of creating a comfortable but practical home, to include impressive space for entertaining, we were involved from the beginning with award-winning architects Yianghou to modify and extend the listed building to accommodate the client's busy family life. The comprehensive design phase was thorough, with a focus on creating a seamless flow between areas and utilising the best use of space within large light-filled rooms. Where features had been lost, they were painstakingly reinstated, including bespoke 350 mm skirting boards and ornate period-appropriate plaster cornices. Attention to detail at this stage was key, and focused on room layout and crucially on a detailed lighting scheme specification designed to enhance the handsome and spacious high ceilinged rooms."